Online Magazine Business in India | How to start Online Magazine Business plan in India - News Article World

 How to start Online Magazine Business plan in India Cost, Profit in India in Hindi How to Make Money by Magazine Business

  Newspapers and magazines have been in trend in India for many decades.  The online magazine is a good medium for middle-class people to enjoy newspapers along with morning tea.  For this reason, the online magazine market has become very popular in India.

  Benefits of Online Magazine:

  Data: The online magazine will continue to be published as long as sufficient information is available with the portal, it will continue to be published and this magazine will remain safe forever.

  Interactive: Online magazines contain more personal information.  Many other links are also available in online magazines, with the help of which one can easily go to other sites.  Apart from this, putting a video brings a new life to the news.

  Beneficial for the environment: Paper is used in traditional magazines.  For which paper is required and many trees are cut for paper, which is harmful to the environment.  Therefore online magazines and newspapers are the best medium and are also safe for the environment.

  Low cost: Given the increasing popularity of online magazines, the publisher has reduced the subscription cost.  Due to which web applications are becoming cheaper and better than traditional publications.

  How to Start Online Magazine Business :

  Pre-Production Plan:

  Business plan: It is very important to start any industry, that an accurate and correct business plan should be made.  This is the first step, if proper attention is not given to it, then there is the only failure in the result.  While making such a plan, keeping the objective in mind, success can be achieved by making the right path.

  Getting information about the readers: Before doing the actual publication of the online magazine, it is very important to have a complete overview of the market.  Whatever data we get from this, we will get information about the interest of the readers.

  Information about competition in the market: It is very important that when we are publishing a magazine, we should also have information about other magazines available in the market.  They are direct competitors, we can get new ideas from their business model and information.

  Collecting enough funds: Any magazine, small or big, requires a sufficient fund for it.  It costs less than print publication.  If there are not enough funds, then a plan must be made to deposit the funds.

Create Online Representation of the Magazine:

  Choosing the right name: When the initial plan is made, after that the right name has to be chosen.  This can take a long time, whatever the name may be, the publication information must be something unique or new to the readers.

  Domain Name Selection: A domain name is required to create a website.  There are many domain registrations and host space providers available in India like GoDaddy.  As soon as we log on to these sites, we have to see whether the name we have selected is available or not, if it is already available, then we have to work on the next name after that.  Then we get .com, dot com, dot in and dot co dot in, as per our requirement and availability.  Site charges can be between 500 to 1000 in the domain package.

  Attending Host Space: After the selection of the domain name is complete, the hosting space has to be purchased.  Many domain registration companies also provide host services.  Hosting service providers also offer server space from which we can start or activate the website.  The cost of this service can range from 900 to 1500 per annum.

Proper Team for Starting the Online Magazine:

  When the business plan, funds, market information is complete, then it is time to create the right group or create a human resource department.  Success cannot be achieved in online publication unless there is a dedicated group.  Writers, editors, photographers, proofreaders and photo editors are needed to build a team.  Along with this, a sales manager, marketing expert, publication manager are also needed.

  Content Creation and Posting:

  Writing Content: Whether online magazine or offline, interesting and correct information must be provided to the reader.  To make any magazine popular, the information available in it must be attractive, interesting and correct.  It is the responsibility of the copywriter to create such a story that is also funny and can captivate the mind of the readers.  Writing is the first and most important part of the production.  You can also keep freelancing online for this work.  Online freelancing many people are writing by earning money there are many in the market,

  Proof Reader or Copy Reader: Whenever writers write or type a story, they make many mistakes in typing.  Whenever the content is complete, it is sent to the proofreader.  A proofreader is also called a copyreader.  They have good knowledge of grammar and words.  They reach the editor by looking at the content and checking and correcting the mistakes that occur.

  Final Correction: When it comes to the copy editor.  Then it is decided whether to publish it or not, if the editor also feels something lacking, then it is again delivered according to the order.

  Presenting evidence with photos: The magazine attracts the readers not only for its handwriting, but the colourful pictures available in it also captivate the readers.  There is a photographer in every magazine whose job is to choose the right photo according to the content of that magazine.

  Designing an attractive page for a good effect: Traditional newspapers are made with a simple look.  But this does not happen in online magazines, when the content and photographs are ready, after that the page is sent to the page layout designer for designing the page.  Then the job of the page designer is to add some attractive elements and keep the content in the correct order.

  Final Prototyping: Prototyping is another important function in the production process. The prototype gives us a final look at the magazine page.  When the editor is satisfied with the prototype then further work is done followed by the digitization of the content.

  Content Digitization: Software is required to make prototypes such as to make improvements, to design certain programs like Word Press, Contentful, BuzzSprout, so that the content is posted on the website.  Its final function is to digitize according to the specification of the file.

No Permits for Online Magazine :

  Registering a print newspaper is a very difficult task as well as it also takes a lot of time.  Newspaper Registrar or RNI in India provides Newspaper Registration Certificate, but there is no requirement to do so online.  Once we put the name of any magazine on the website, then no one else can use that name.

Employee Requirement in Online Magazine (How Many Employee Do You Need):

  An online magazine can be made sitting at home and work can be done on it, if we have a good team, in which all the employees are diligent and can work in coordination with each other.

  Only a few employees are required for an online magazine.  Whenever the magazine is published, it is based on its content and its size, how many workers are required, 3 or 5 content creators, editors, photographers, web designers are the most important.  The editor also works as a proofreader, it can also create content and can also choose other workers to increase the business.

  How to Make Money With Online Magazine? (Revenue Generation):

  Online magazine’s agenda is to earn money, there are many ways to earn money in the online magazine business.  There are many ways of publication, in which readers deposit a fixed amount, it can be monthly or yearly, but it does not depend only on this, money can also be received from online advertising.  There is a blog section in the magazine in which a certain amount is charged for advertising.

  Many companies also help with this, if there is traffic on the site, then this company helps in the promotion.  When online ads run on our site, we get a certain amount.  Some related products come to the magazine through this link.  Whenever a user clicks to buy these products, then we get a certain amount.

  Cost in Online Magazine Business (Investment in Online Magazine Business):

  If you want to start an online magazine business on a small scale, then it does not cost much.  The domain name and host space can be obtained for less than 3000.  Both of these have to pay an annual amount, some domain names and host space can be from 900 to 1200 per year each, depending on its package.

  The advantage in Online Magazine (Online Magazine Profit Amount):

  In this, profit or profit is not received immediately, it depends on the content, it should be liked by the readers and advertisements depend on the traffic on the site.  In this, advertisements and purposes can be easily achieved.  If the reader is interested in this, then do not hesitate even for the fee charged for it.  In this, the benefit of 15% to 18% is received in the first few months only.  If work is done on more than one platform, more profit can be made very soon.

  Risk in Online Magazine Business:

  It can be started with online representation.  But variety is very important in this because it is like swimming with big fish in a pond.  Only the online magazine page is not enough, along with it, there should be a website model too, for this one has to work on more than one platform.

  Always stay connected with our readers and sponsors, so that we can get the information about what readers and sponsors want.

  Marketing and Advertising Tips for Online Magazine in Online Magazine:

  Traditional Promotion: Right promotion is the foundation of success.  By choosing the right words, we can create good content and attract readers.  Traditional advertising is published in many ways, such as by placing it on the back of a car, by placing industrial advertisements in newspapers, by magazines and by radio.

  Social Media Tools: The magazine can be promoted by creating your profile on social media or social platforms, you can provide information about it to the readers by using the link on this profile.  In this, we can also take some selected readers.  In this, we can publish more and more soon.  We can ask our family members and friends to share the link so that it can reach more people.

  Email Marketing Process: If we have enough readership available then we can use email marketing.  In this, we not only send the appropriate message, although the readers also feel that they are creatively connected to us.

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