Darkness of #Metoomovement - News Article World
September 17, 2024

In this period of equality the me to movement was one of the focus topic. Similarly in the society if we talk about women empowerment then in also need to think about deeply the darking part of the #me too movement. It is also about relating to the matter of bringing about chain but at this point this is against of masculinity that shows two basic aspect against patriarchal society. One is the systematic problems are exposed by the victims and other is me to movement gained more attention rather than other on going movements.

It gives the courage to tell victims own story of being a victim of sexual misconduct or harrasment.
Several state past law prohibiting the use of non disclosure agreements in sexual misconducts cases.
As a result, many cases of harassment has been file again sexual misconducts.
Just like as a coin has two sides, this movement has its own sides. Let’s take a look at the positive sides and negative sides of #Metoo.

Positive Sides Of Me Too Socially

  • 1) sexual harassment is more likely to stop in the workplace.
  • 2) in the mid side of creating sexual arousal for girls in workplace is totally stopped.
  • 3) world is also introducing protections for more workers.
  • 4) most states like New York expanded its sexual harassment laws.
  • 5) The level of justice against social harassment has increased.
  • 6) Many women have been empowered by this movement.

Negative Sides Of Me Too Socially

  • 1) it is almost a gender biased movement.
  • 2) invaliding the accusations of the movement also clearing their are alternative motions for those acquisitions.
  • 3) on the other side, some people are misusing these justice for self interest.
  • 4) men want to avoid being close friend with a woman colleagues.
  • 5) the main workers continue to work in fair against false allegations.
  • 6) In fact, it was started by privileged celebrities.

_It is important to keep an eye on the impact of this movement on the massive nation -_ # Me too it has stopped many of several misconduct, but unfortunately shadow of every spotlight remains. India case of this movement has a shared or that people will sometimes make false acquisitions without any clarity.

This movement is based on two misconceptions. The first one of them is -‘ all male or sexual assaulters’ and the another is – ‘ women never sexually assault anyone’.

I want to share a story that happened into my personal life – when I was a new employee of an organisation, a high ranking female employee was contently trying to arouse me in various ways. Moreover she touched my private parts in a bad manner. At first she used to treat me very well, but day by day her behaviour was getting worse and worse towards me. She used to intimate with me from time to time she hangs and its me in various way at workplace. I get scared and fall pray to her temptations in various routes. I feel that no one won’t believe me so I quit my job. Being a woman, I had to quit my job because I was scared of another woman.Similarly, it is very easy for a high-ranking woman to do such a thing with a men.

Sex is just the different biological and physiological characteristics of males and females, such as reproductive organs, chromosomes, hormones, etc. Yes, in this movement most of the victims were women and most of the perpetrators were men, but the #MeToo movement is fight against sexual harassment and iniquity. Calling it a war on men means that you think all men have the same characteristics but not the right ones.

Finally we see that the gender gap still exists in our Indian society as a result of which we are still facing some of these situations.

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