In a groundbreaking development for India’s transportation network, the newly inaugurated high-speed train route via the Padma Setu now connects Kolkata to Agartala in just 7 hours. This new link significantly reduces travel time between the two cities, which previously took over 24 hours by train.
The Padma Setu, a marvel of modern engineering, spans the mighty Padma River and facilitates this rapid transit. The high-speed train is designed for comfort and efficiency, making the journey quicker and more enjoyable for passengers.
This new route is expected to boost trade, tourism, and cultural exchange between West Bengal and Tripura, providing a vital link for people and goods. The government sees this as a major step in improving regional connectivity and fostering economic growth in the northeastern states.
Passengers can now enjoy a seamless, comfortable journey with modern amenities, making the Kolkata to Agartala trip more accessible than ever before.