Facebook Audience Network | How To Apply - News Article World
September 19, 2024

When you’re creating your ads and going to edit placements, you’ll see different placement heads.  Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and audience networks.

  The first three are quite self-explanatory, especially when you are probably seeing clear examples of all the placement options mentioned below.

What is an audience network and why should you use it?

  In this post, we will discuss this and many more.

  We’ll explain everything you need to know about Facebook’s audience network so that you have a clear idea of whether you should use these placements for your ads and your app.

What is the Facebook Audience Network?

  The Facebook Audience Network was released in 2014, but there are many businesses out there and even some marketers who don’t fully understand what it is.

  Facebook Audience Network is an off-Facebook, in-app advertising network for mobile apps.  Advertisers can deliver their ads to customers who are using mobile sites and apps other than Facebook, expanding their reach outside of the platform while using Facebook’s exceptionally powerful advertising system.

Game changer, isn’t it?

  For those who have the app, Facebook’s listener network is allowing monetizing.  Anyone can join Facebook’s audience network, and when people engage with ads in your app, you can get a share of Facebook advertising revenue.

  As a bonus, ad formats are flexible, so mobile apps that display visitor network ads can integrate native ads that are still tailored to their design.

Why should I use the Facebook audience network?

  That’s a good question: If Facebook and Instagram are paid for high engagement and excellent placements, why would the audience be able to network?

  There are two big answers to this question.  When we address them, remember that even though the ads are not on Facebook or Instagram, you are still benefiting from laser-sharp targeting capabilities.

The first answer is that you are getting a wide space.  Your ads are showing on an additional platform, which can help you connect with the right audience.  And, since audience network advertising can be a bit more than a newsfeed in an app, it can be an advantage.

  But the second answer is probably the biggest.  The cost of setting up an audience network is much lower than other placements, including Facebook and Instagram.  By enabling audience network placements, you can lower your average CPC in your ad campaigns.

  When you do that, you’ll have more room to bid higher in some of your other placements while maintaining your preferred average CPA bid.

  In fact, according to AdEspresso’s in-depth price analysis, the average audience network CPCs consistently fall below $ 0.10, with all other placements ranging from $ 0.20 (mobile newsfeed) to $ 0.70 (Instagram ads).

As a result, you’ll be able to carry more placements in more high-ticket placements and at the same time expand your reach.

What do we need to know before running a Facebook audience network ad?

  There are a few things you want to fix from the bat, and one of them involves a lot of ad placement advertising with the exact format you are going to use.  You have three different options:

Native, banner and interstitial

In-stream video

Rewarded videos

You can use both video ads and still images, to your liking.  However, you should look at the right direction ratios to guarantee both look beautiful.  According to Facebook’s recommendations, these are:

In-stream ad placement must be square (1: 1) and full landscape (16: 9);  If you use both Facebook and Audience network placements, Facebook recommends adhering to these ratios.

:1 9:16 and 16: 9 for both rewarding videos and native, banner, and intermediate ads.

Why should we join Facebook’s audience network?

  The biggest benefit of joining an audience network and connecting to your app or mobile site is the possibility of monetization.

  All you need to do is set up an initial setup, and you’ll be able to collect passive revenue from engagement in the ads that appear in your app.

Since the ads use flexible layouts, they will look great in your app.

How to join Facebook’s audience network?.

  Joining Facebook’s audience network is pretty easy;  It only takes fifteen minutes, and Facebook will explain the whole thing to you.

  And since the ads shown to users of your app are using Facebook’s incredible targeting system, they’re probably relevant.

First, you’ll either create a new app ID or select an app you’ve already connected to Facebook.

  To create a new app ID, all you have to do is enter the name and URL of the ID.

In the next step, you will add your application.

  You can start this process with your app’s iTunes or Google ID.

Once you do this, you can create your ad space.

  There are only four permissions per platform, and they cannot be deleted – only edits.

Once you have created your ad space, you can create an ad placement within it.

Next, you can integrate the Audience Network SDK with your app, check its integration, and submit your app for review.

  Depending on the type of platform you can see Facebook’s guide on how to set it up here.

  After you do this, you just need to provide the payment information so that Facebook can send you your check.


  Facebook’s audience network has brought an excellent opportunity for both advertisers and app owners.

  It helps businesses and marketers run costs by running Facebook ads with multiple placements.

  It provides a direct source of monetization for app owners.

  It’s a great resource to have at your fingertips and use as you wish, and since placements will be automatically enabled for almost all ad campaigns, you don’t have to worry about choosing it.

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